That's right. Since 2000. Going any further back would not only be a lie to my youth, but a lie to all man kind. And really, it's only the future that matters right? Bring on the modern tunes! Hair Metal is going to be sitting this one out. (NOTE: Click the title names for videos.)
Holy Britney's nipples! Oh wait, that's just a jewel.
Is this really what our ADHD ridden children are seeing? Raw meat, sharks, and beautiful women. Now that's American!
Not the love sick "Maps", but the Thriller style pseudo Michael Jackson makes up for it.
This would have been Battlestar Galactica if Paul Newman played lead.
Ballsy Justin. Bringing sexy back before it was even needed.
One kick ass fedora.
This wouldn't have been a Top 20 without them.
Matt Lauer would be proud.
One word: creepy.
If the imagery doesn't get you, then Rihanna herself may.
Madonna, you have been replaced.
Proof that a big budget means nothing.
Take that Walmart!
Welcome to the New World Order.
Bring on the lesbian action!
As least one thing on here has to be serious.
Remember this? Yeah, probably not.
A touch of love, a little desperation, a spot of Europe, and... a crazy talking bear.
The pedophile next door has evolved.
Sorry Twilight fans, Decode just didn't cut it.
Love them or hate them, the simplicity of this video will eat away at you.
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